2020-22: Artist-in-Residence
Artist-In-Residence, assisting with projects and events, managing and cleaning spaces under guidance of creative studio co-directors Natalie Wetzel and Mark Andrus, at The Moon, Grand Rapids, MI.
2019, 21-22: Backstage Technical Theatre Internship
Backstage Technical Theatre Internship, constructing sets, large props, theatre and workshop cleaning and maintenance under guidance of Technical Director and Scenic Designer, Don Wilson, at the Circle Theatre, Grand Rapids, MI.
2018-19: International Sculpture Conference
2018: International Sculpture Conference, assistant to organizers, performed diverse duties including directing attendees to certain locations, collecting and distributing materials, and assisted install of littleSculpture show, at Philadelphia 201 Hotel, Philadelphia, PA.
2019: International Sculpture Conference, assistant to organizers, performed diverse duties including directing attendees to certain locations, collecting and distributing materials, and assisted with panel talks, at Pacific Northwest College of Art, Portland, OR.